Coming back to teach and see clients in Raleigh is so heartwarming as I build my new life in the mountains. There is, absolutely, a healing exchange, but it also feels like seeing old friends, maybe because you are. I've know some of you for almost a decade, and it takes time to build trust, understanding and love in any relationship. I value that with each of you and I wholeheartedly invite you and hope that you'll come to my neck of the woods (literally) this Spring so we can continue that relationship from the magical perspective of the mountains. (Keep scrolling to end for Spring Retreat details). I'll be returning in February to lead another Mini Retreat and I've also been asked to teach at Yoga Fest NC (Raleigh) again this year, so perhaps I'll see you on April 8. Last year was a very powerful experience with a group of 80 students practicing Pangu Yoga together!
The New Year and the winter months give us a chance to draw in, reflect, and harness our life force so we can truly let those creative and intuitive energies reveal themselves in springtime. Rather than filling up your schedule with busyness through the winter, can you instead allow yourself to slow down, recover from a hectic year, and plant the seeds for the year ahead?
What's next? What kind of person do I want to be? What gives my life meaning and how can I nourish those things? On what do I need clarity and how can I get there?
What are my core values and how can I put them into action? How can I express my benevolent self in a more meaningful way?
We cannot answer these questions immediately. We must give ourselves the time they deserve, the time we deserve, so we can live the life we want. There is a deep power in these months that embody the water element ~ let yourself be in sync with the energy of water ~ allowing stillness and quiet, both on the inside and the outside. Having a vision means having the resolve to take action. However, in order for our visions to have power and momentum, we must know WHY they are our visions. We must have clarity on why we want what we want. Come mid January, sometimes our visions or resolutions can weaken or take a back seat because we are unclear on either what steps we need to take or the reasons behind them. Give yourself time, be patient and take it one day at a time, one moment at a time. Step by step we gradually see the changes inside and out and, to quote my mother, "sometimes it even sneaks up on us", unexpectedly!
Happy New Year! May we BE what we hope to see on this planet 🌎
With Peace,