Summer is our brightest time of year, both physically and emotionally. It can be joyful, but sometimes a manic season, when the sun hits us and inspires our passion and creativity.
In Chinese Medicine, Summer is associated with the element Fire, the color red, the bitter flavor (including leafy greens, coffee, and chocolate), the Heart, Pericardium and Small Intestine organ meridian systems and with embracing our dreams, joyful emotions, creativity, passion and love, even our sexuality.
We do our best to channel this energy into healthy activities while enjoying our long days by playing outside, traveling, enjoying barbecues and time with friends and family.
When the Fire Element within us is in excess, we tend to feel overexcited, chaotic, and even frantic, trying to fit too much in, creating busyness, often left feeling like we aren't able to enjoy those activities or feel connected to the people we’re with. When the Fire Element is deficient we can feel little excitement, lack of joy, despair, disconnection and in extreme cases even isolation.
Signs and symptoms that your Fire Element may be off include rashes, inflammation and constipation due to heat, halitosis (bad breath), seasonal allergies, insomnia, mania, lack of joy, anxiety, or despair. Yoga, Pangu Yoga, Qi Gong, Acupuncture and other self-care can bring more balance in these areas, helping us feel greater ease, and connection with others."
I look forward to seeing you for some VERY special Pangu Yoga events and an exciting powerful Pangu Mystical Qi Gong healing weekend September 19-22 with Master Ou Wen Wei, (founder of Pangu Mystical Qi Gong) hosted right here in Asheville, NC at Black Mountain Yoga!
I am also incredibly honored to be invited to teach in Black Mountain Yoga's next 200 hr Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training beginning THIS October.
If you have asked me in the past about being a Pangu Yoga Teacher, the first step is receiving your 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training and practicing Pangu Mystical Qi Gong for at least one year.
Please save the dates below so you don't miss out on these once in a lifetime opportunities.
Community & individual Acupuncture + special events described below all help tremendously to support a healthful and vital summer season and transition into fall.
Love for the journey,