There are so many gifts within the reflections of closing one chapter and opening another. I wanted to share with you some of my lessons and observations from 2019 and my hopes and devotion to 2020. After all, its the big joke right? The year of "perfect" vision, this is 2020 (said Barbara Walters).
~ If I love my enemies (then they are no longer enemies 😂). Negative emotions and hatred on any level keeps me a slave. Learn to let go faster.
~ Admiration and appreciation generally leads to love (but if not kept in check can lead to envy and hatred).
~ In relationships, ignore the crumb of evil, encourage the good. Kindness is not the same as indulging. Being calm allows me to see the boundary in any relationship. Some people's false sense of strength comes from judgement and negativity. My strength comes from my virtue.
~ If we want to change the world, we have to change ourselves, and take it seriously. It is not enough to just speak of morality. For example if we think we are being humble, yet we feel the need to point out or even imply that someone else is not being humble, we’ve missed the point. This is the definition of hypocrisy. No, we can’t do it perfectly, but If we can recognize when it’s happening, then we can make a change.
~ If we continue to hold the position of “teacher”, especially with our loved ones, we limit ourselves, and can’t create enough openness to grow.
~ These changes we make slowly ripple out into our family, our community; all the people whose lives’ we touch, whose lives we may change, then affect the people they come into contact with.
Solo travel is magical and uplifting. I actually truly love my own company. I am an introvert but I still love meeting new people ☺️. Marriage is the hardest journey, richly complex, and with the greatest reward. My rainbow tribe, my black mountain yoga community and my Pangu family are my beloved teachers that feed my soul and inspire my longing to be a kinder, more cultivated human being.
2020: I’m ready! I’m ready to completely let go of behaviors that do not serve and only create separations.
~ I’m ready to face myself each time it’s required. I’m ready to open my heart more fully to the whole world.
~ I’m ready to embrace the mystical in reality as a daily experience.
~ I’m ready to create the extraordinary within the ordinary.
~ I’m ready to sincerely & deeply put my love into action. I am willing, I am ready. 🙏🏼
Life is a process and a journey with invisible destinations that sometimes only the souls knows and comprehends the greater purpose. Yet, we must hold the vision for ourselves with faith because faith is what moves us forward on the ship. And our faith is closely linked to our virtue and cultivation of heart. 🤗 How we show up and our daily actions are reflections of this faith.
My teacher Master Ou Wen Wei, guides us with 5 virtues to be our compass in daily life. I share them with you today to expand the gift & tools which I’ve been given to improve my health and my life. And it’s working. 🙏🏼 Can’t wait for what’s next!
Calm & Peaceful, Open & Tolerant, Humble, Diligent, and Persistent.
Love for the journey,