November 2021 | Why do we Give?

These are some reflections I had after connecting with a dear friend last week and it felt meaningful to share.

Do we give to receive? Is our giving out of need or want for acknowledgment, appreciation, or something in return? Going beyond the act of giving and receiving, of what we gain or lose in a moment, is just BEING, is pure noble love. And in the BEING, there is no need, because it already IS. Yet the being doesn’t just happen. It requires cultivation of virtue over a long period of time.

When there is a bright, deep, rich contentment that emerges, and is already full and doesn’t demand, or require—it grows and expands exponentially by feeding into itself. And when that BEING is so full of joy and contentment, it becomes contagious, it spreads, it shares and influences all those willing to receive it. Imagine if two people like this came together? Or three or four, many individuals …how our world could change for the better. This to me is alchemy of an individual that spreads to alchemy with another and eventually perhaps the alchemy and harmony of an entire community.