October 2022 | Let Go Into a New Space

"The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go."

I am in a new space, inside and out. Sometimes the letting go takes time, and time is a beautiful phenomenon. Self reflection, healing, and rebirth are inextricably linked to both time and effort. While time can be frustrating, and we may often want to move through things or experiences faster than we are ready for, it also allows a process to unfold naturally, in a way that is comfortable and long lasting. Part of the meaning we gain by letting go is a movement toward real contentment. Most stress in our lives results from hanging on to beliefs that keep us striving for and wanting more, because our ego stubbornly believes we need it. When we make the shift away from that attachment, the influence of our ego fades. We gradually replace attachment with contentment. Chasing and striving—and then becoming attached to what we chased after—is a source of anxiety that feeds ambition, but it won’t satisfy the need for Meaning at our soul level. My teacher Master Ou Wen Wei, has a very deep and profound teaching that I still often find myself musing over.

"To seek, but not forcefully. Seek nothing, yet seek everything. Eventually one may achieve whatever one seeks."

To improve our life, it is necessary to have goals and put forth our best efforts, yet to try not to force an outcome, and be willing to modify the goal and adjust efforts. This allows for a broadening of our heart and soul, creating new opportunities for success!

After 18 years working as an Acupuncturist and Energy Healer, I continue to be in awe of how much I enjoy my craft; how it lights me up to deepen relationships with clients, have meaningful connection, and learn what humans need to truly heal and thrive; and how Chinese Medicine supports conventional medical treatments, while also educating us all on what's missing. This holistic approach, honoring your whole being, is what brings me the most joy and reward. I see people transform their bodies, but also their unhealthy thought patterns, their emotional well being, and their spiritual satisfaction, ultimately empowering their entire lives.

After working in my Asheville office for the last two years I’ve decided to move my healing practice back to Black Mountain…the place that truly feels like home. Beginning Nov 1st of this year, I will continue offering Acupuncture, Qi Gong healing, Private Yoga and Tai Chi in my NEW space - a serene, elegant and warm atmosphere- working with other amazing healers and practitioners at Be Well Collective! My in-person healing appointments will be condensed so I have more time for amazing new offerings both locally and globally!

I am delighted to be transitioning back to a place that lights up my heart and soul, to share my gifts and serve the community in this gorgeous mountain town and healing oasis. I am equally delighted to trust my new direction and follow the opportunities that I have created, and that have crossed my path, encouraging expansion beyond my local community.

So..if you're unable to join me for my Fall Into Bliss Women's Retreat THIS Oct 20-23, there are more soulful & quality “Nish” offerings, workshops and retreats coming in 2023. Keep scrolling for all the yummy details. I couldn’t be more excited and blessed to do what I love, and to continue finding the inspiration for it. You are a part of that (yes if you’re reading this I’m talking to you) so THANK YOU. I so appreciate all of you and the support you have offered.

2023 is a year of growth and expansion! I sincerely hope I get to connect with you, whether its in person, online or somewhere in the clear sky beyond the clouds ;-).
If I don't already know you, I am curious and eager to learn more, to understand and support your growth, your truth, and your soul's journey.

Love for the journey,


Jan/Feb 2022 | Appalachian Winter

There is something I have always cherished about the Appalachian winter. The beauty is almost painful. I found words for it.

perhaps it’s the carpet of snow
the naked, silver lined trees
the unapologetic quiet
the fierce and defiant winds—
with a fury that could kill

a stillness that not only asks us, but yearns for us to travel deeper and deeper within ourselves, revealing the liquid eyes of the soul

the forest, a beating heart I can hear under the crunch of snow beneath my feet

my fiery spirit wants to charge into wild oblivion, to dance until my feet are cold and sore
Only to be reminded to return to whatever I fled
to keep singing from the very wounds I once tried to hide
unbridled and raw

and to sit under the trees and breath—nothing gets through this life alone.

Love for the Journey,


November 2021 | Why do we Give?

These are some reflections I had after connecting with a dear friend last week and it felt meaningful to share.

Do we give to receive? Is our giving out of need or want for acknowledgment, appreciation, or something in return? Going beyond the act of giving and receiving, of what we gain or lose in a moment, is just BEING, is pure noble love. And in the BEING, there is no need, because it already IS. Yet the being doesn’t just happen. It requires cultivation of virtue over a long period of time.

When there is a bright, deep, rich contentment that emerges, and is already full and doesn’t demand, or require—it grows and expands exponentially by feeding into itself. And when that BEING is so full of joy and contentment, it becomes contagious, it spreads, it shares and influences all those willing to receive it. Imagine if two people like this came together? Or three or four, many individuals …how our world could change for the better. This to me is alchemy of an individual that spreads to alchemy with another and eventually perhaps the alchemy and harmony of an entire community.