"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." Dalai Lama
You create your happiness. It comes from within, from your choices, your actions and your beliefs.
Want to know what the best part of my day was? It wasn’t teaching my last yoga class of 2022 to a beautiful group of people and using all my skills and healing vibes to nourish their bodies & hearts—though that was definitely a close second. It was when I went to the UPS store this afternoon in the pouring rain and as I walked up to the door a girl, who couldn’t have been more than 11 years old, had a huge box in her hand and made the effort to run to the door to open it for me… I was so surprised and grateful and as soon as she walked in I said “would you like to go in front of me in line“? She said “sure!” and hopped right in front. We both smiled and my heart was so warm and content.
Perhaps the greatest present is to BE present, to be patient, to ask more questions, to be humble, kind, to listen and be open to learning. Wanting to make improvements begins in the mind and heart, with our desire and willingness…and then allowing our sincerity to drive that intention and see it through in our actions….let’s not just be good to each other, let’s be extraordinarily excellent and kind to each other this season. We can all use a little extra love and maybe someone smiling at us or being unexpectedly thoughtful can make our day, and make all the difference.
You don’t know what others are going through when they are irritating, unpleasant, or short-tempered. It’s not about you. It almost never is, and that’s a good thing. Negative interactions with others are unfortunately inevitable, but we do have power over how we respond to them. Whether some guy cut you off in traffic or the waiter forgot your drink order, you never know what someone is going through until you walk in their shoes. Before you shout obscenities from your car window or leave a bad tip, consider what they might have gone through today and the positive impact being caring towards them could make.
Have you ever had a day where it felt like no one would cut you a break? Maybe it was a couple of weeks or even a couple of months. When you’ve fallen on hard times, one small act of courtesy can make the world of difference. Taking the low road is a lot more work than you might think. When we dwell on others’ actions and choose anger, our minds are in turmoil far longer, and it can be exhausting. Your headspace and life force is precious, so don’t waste it on resentment. Goodness is in our nature. It is far easier to be nice than it is to stay angry. Being nice to others sets an example for us to be better to ourselves. Once we grant compassion to ourselves, our growth potential is unlimited. Practice this mindset by treating yourself and others well. We all have painful pasts, but it’s how you carry yourself through the world in the present that matters most. Are you bringing healing or harm?
We’ve all heard that kindness is contagious, but it’s more than that. One good act can cause a major ripple, changing the course of not just one person’s day, but many.
Goodness multiplies.
Reflecting on your year and setting personal growth development goals for the New Year can be so empowering and useful! Let me know how I can support you in that process.
I am delighted and proud to be working in a new space with other amazing women healers at Be Well Collective in Black Mountain. I'm also SUPER excited to be creating magical and dreamy retreats in the US & internationally in 2023! Hope you'll join me for one of my unique wellness retreats. I would love to know where & when you might like to travel with me! Help me decide where to lead my next RETREAT! If you're interested, I would appreciate your assistance by filling out the short survey below.
Love for the journey,