January 2024 | With True Confidence

Some people mistake confidence for an expectation of success… however I believe that a truly confident person is OK with failure. A truly confident person can always look for the answers within themselves when things aren’t going smoothly. A truly confident person has integrity, and integrity breeds self respect. If we don’t respect ourselves we cannot expect it from others. Unreasonable expectations, pride or lack of humility, and blaming others can often lead to further discontent and deeper struggle. Who you blame is who you give your power and energy to. Being aware of our shortcomings, then owning our mistakes, and then step by step changing the behavior is the most powerful and most empowered place we can stand in every situation.

If we understand how to do this, then there is naturally more of a willingness of letting things go, and even letting them go wrong and being comfortable with that, because there will always be a way to reach a goal. We are never stuck. In this way, we reduce friction; the less friction the more energy and life force is available to us; the more we cultivate calm, and other virtues within us, the more efficiently we can find the way out.  

The Universe will always provide a way out, no matter how desperate a situation we find ourselves in. What really matters is whether or not we are willing to be truly kind and benevolent. When we enter this space in our hearts, the universe responds, and provides inspiration more efficiently for a way forward because we have aligned ourselves with the greatest source and power of Love. As a human being we are here on earth for the array of human experiences from sadness, struggle, growth, hope, happiness, and more. So we have a choice starting from this moment on. We can revolt against the reality of having to deal with failure, discomfort, pain and uncertainty, or we can wholeheartedly embrace every experience life offers and use it as a means to more deeply cultivate ourselves.

Everything gets a bit uncomfortable when it’s time to change. That’s just a part of the growth process. Each and every day we can choose the path that benefits both ourselves and others at the same time, and does not inflict harm or take from others. When we keep choosing that path, we cultivate confidence beyond measure, because we realize we are capable of doing it. We live from a space of being truly content, (rather than temporary or momentary satisfaction), and that leads us to a lasting happiness.

I have much to ponder and be grateful for this past year. The things we want in life take time, effort, devotion, practice, and cultivation. We may not have all the “ingredients” or objective pieces in place, but we can still create something beautiful with what we have. Sometimes it takes time to bring to fruition our deepest desires. We must seek with a broad open heart—without clinging to ideas, and to keep modifying our goals to find the right path. We can end up with something even more fulfilling and expansive than we could have imagined in the beginning. Perhaps it means not expecting the best to happen every step of the way, but instead accepting our situation with each step, and making the very best of it. Cheers to an ever expanding 2024! I look forward to
connecting soon ❤️

Love for the journey,

p.s. When things aren’t adding up in your life, begin subtracting. Life gets a lot simpler when you clear the clutter that makes it complicated. Bring your attention back to what’s important and move forward.